
LAS LECHUGUERAS (The Women Lettuce Workers), 30’ x 2. LAS LECHUGUERAS, detail. Photo- Martha Edwards
ALTO AL FUEGO • CEASEFIRE, restored 2002
CULTURA SIN FRONTERAS • CULTURE WITHOUT BORDERS, Novato Hispanic Cultural Center mural, 30' x15'. Acrylic on stucco, designed and executed with student artists Concha Marina Aparicio, Rosario Alcazar and Julia Coyne, Novato, California, 1988
PUENTE DE LA PAZ • PEACE BRIDGE, mural in the Commons Building of World College West
NEW WORLD TREE, Mission Pool Mural, 70' x30' acrylic paint on stucco, Juana Alicia, Susan Cervantes and Raul Martinez, 1987
LA RAZA GRAPHICS MURALS, acrylic on wood panels, Juana Alicia and students Bob Thawley, Silvia Soriano, et al. 1985
MISSION STREET MANIFESTO, acrylic mural on panels, 12' x 25',1990 Photo- Marvin Collins. Originally installed in Mission Mini Park, now located at San Francisco State University Student Union
REGENERACIÓN, Panels on 2nd Street IN San Jose, Ca 1991
La Promesa de Loma Prieta
MAESTRAPEACE, mural on The San Francisco Women's Building, 18th and Valencia Streets, 300' x 65', exterior facades. Juana Alicia, Edythe Boone, Miranda Bergman, Susan Cervantes, Meera Desai, Yvonne
NO ONE SHOULD OBEY AN UNJUST LAW, 10’ x 12’, Acrylic mural on wooden garage door, Balmy Alley, San Francisco,1996
Poster, ALL LIFE IS INTERRELATED, portable mural for Destiny Arts, 2001
TU ERES MI OTRO YO, detail of mural in context
A WOMAN’S PLACE, Feminist Organizing
La Virgen de la libertad
La Llorona's Sacred Waters